• Sat. May 18th, 2024

My Voice: Inexperienced, beautiful and employed

If you’re as disgruntled at this election as I am, you probably saw the word Trump and groaned over how tired you are of hearing about ‘what he did now.’…

How to stalk your prey

This week’s installment of ‘How To’ actually features a step-by-step on accomplishing something. I’m going to give you the best advice possible on how to stalk your prey. This advice…

In Life and Liberty: Going local

The political landscape is a mess. No, it’s not just the leaked Trump tapes that are making me say that. It’s the absolute ridiculousness of the campaigns that started over…

A bloody good time

Sinclair Theatre will be presenting the legendary story of Dracula this Halloween season.

Decide your end game

Students who are undecided and unsure of what to do with their degree have the opportunity to pick the degree that is right for them at Deciding Day here at…

History symposium hosts Dr. Eric Foner

“In a global age, the forever-unfinished story of American freedom must become a conversation with the entire world, not a complacent monologue with ourselves,” Dr. Eric Foner, Pullitzer Prizer winner…