A dedication to peace, right in the heart of Dayton
An image that perfectly captures the message of Dayton’s International Museum of Peace. Photo Credit: Jessie Ngowoh Anywhere diversity is celebrated, peace is an essential ingredient. The world is a…
The Sinclair Student Government Event was a Huge Success
Photo Credit: Katie Quintuna Photo Credit: Katie Quintuna
Family Fun at the Trunk or Treat!
The Trunk or Treat hosted by the Psychology and Social Work clubs was a hit this year. The hustle and bustling of family’s coming to get candy meeting the clubs…
Students, faculty beat the heat in fun-filled Fall Mixer
Members of faculty and students converged outside Building 10 earlier today for a Fall Mixer that bore the hallmarks of a true Tartan fiesta. Below is a smattering of images…
Local authors share new projects, hard-won expertise during downtown symposium
Dayton’s burgeoning literary scene took pride of place at the Metro Library Main Branch during an Authors Symposium over the weekend. For a full-day the authors, shared their latest books…
Appalachian culture celebrated with mouthwatering meet-and-greet
Sinclair’s Appalachian heritage celebration was held at its downtown campus and began with a warm welcome hosted by Nora Stanger, Coordinator of Appalachian Outreach at the college. With a mouth-watering…