• Tue. May 14th, 2024

Random Acts of Kindness Day

On Thursday, Feb. 17 America celebrates Random Act of Kindness Day. This is a day to help friends, family, or strangers out of the kindness of your heart. Times are tough for people and this is a national holiday to help remind people we are all human and united.

What does Random Act of Kindness Day mean to you?

Laurie Guirand – Major: Business

“What it means to me is doing something nice for someone out of the kindness of your heart with the intention of adding a little sunshine and happiness to their day. You just never know what someone is going through and what one little act of kindness can have on someone. Someone paid for my Starbucks drink at the drive through the week and it just shows there are still kind people out there.

Kimberly Munoz – Major: Radiology

“Random Acts of Kindness Day to me means performing an action, typically to a stranger, simply to bring that person happiness. During this act, you chose to do something from the kindness of your heart without expecting anything in return. Examples of when I performed a random act of kinds is when I paid for a younger gentleman’s meal and provided him the funds to pay for his next few meals when he did not have enough money to afford to eat. Something that was done for me and my family was when I was younger, and my brother was in the hospital and my mom was counting out change to get us something to eat. A stranger saw us and approached us and handed us a $20 bill to pay for our meal.”

Maddie Hayes – Major: Radiology.

“Random Act of Kindness Day to me is a day that everyone should try to do one act of service or act of kindness for someone else, no matter how little. It is doing something nice for people and not expecting anything in return. I’ve been in line to order coffee and when I got to the window, the person in front of me had paid for my coffee. To keep the kindness going, I paid for the person behind me.

Marquie Peyton
