• Sat. Feb 15th, 2025


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Horrifying Hits: Castlevania: Nocturne

Since debuting in 2017, Castlevania has been one of Netflix’s most consisted animated performers. With its smooth animation, compelling story, and awesome characters it was easy for viewers to return…

Was Wham! Worth Watching?

Netflix recently released a documentary about ’80s pop sensation Wham! following the early lives and eventual stardom of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley. Sure they made great music, but was…

Why Netflix’s ‘Dahmer’ series has been perceived as problematic and tone-deaf.

Excerpt: With the recent release of Netflix’s ‘Dahmer’ series, the show is generating just as much praise as backlash. Many have a lot to say about the story, specifically, the…

My Voice: Netflix’s “Dead End: Paranormal Park” is a Binge-Worthy Gem

I watched the entire first season of Netflix’s “Dead End: Paranormal Park” in one sitting. I wasn’t planning on doing so but my friends have recommended it non-stop and I…

Netflix Employess Walk Out in Repsonse to Dave Chappelle Special

On Oct. 20, hundreds of Netflix employees walked out of work in protest of the controversial Dave Chappelle special “The Closer.” Those employees, many other supporters, and activists carried signs…

Army of The Dead Keeps Zombie Flicks Alive

Netflix has been pumping out content of all kinds as of late, and this year has been no exception. Projected to have a huge year movie-wise, the streaming platform has…