• Thu. Mar 6th, 2025
4 new video games 2024

Gaming is a hobby that unites millions, if not billions, of people the world over.  A challenge that video games face is that any one specific game will eventually get old. Games get obsolete technically as time passes on and people get bored of the gameplay and stories. The good part is that new games are always coming out to keep the hobby fresh and to bring the industry to new heights. These are a few of our most anticipated games coming out soon.

1. Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Dark souls is one of the most infamous game series in the hobby. The gigantic cathedrals and monsters have both infuriated and attracted those with the skill and, more importantly, persistence to face them. Alongside its amazing set and monster design it also has a reputation for insane difficulty. Monster attacks leave no room for mistakes and do as much damage to you as you do to them. This difficulty can be a huge turnoff for prospective players that don’t have the time or interest to invest into getting good. Elden Ring comes in to remedy this by having a very similar setting but with RPG elements so that you might go off and explore to get stronger if a boss is giving you too much trouble. All this amazing gameplay is wrapped up in a world created by Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin. Soon there will be an expansion to add even more on to this amazing package of gameplay and story. Shadow of the Erdtree sends you to the shadowlands to face an enemy the likes of which you have never faced before. To contend with this new threat the DLC deepens the RPG mechanics to give you even more weapons magic and equipment to add in to your build. 

2. Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance

    If you are a fan of the persona games then you have this series to thank. As a result of having this series in its DNA it shares a lot of its base gameplay and mechanics. Turn based combat and the collection and fusion of Pokémon-like assisting demons is the name of the game. You must use these demons and all the powers you and your allies have to save a post apocalypse Tokyo. Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is a remake of the original 2021 release.The upgrade includes both graphical and gameplay improvements. Among these improvements include an upgraded battle system and even a new story. 

    3. Rolling Hills

    These action-packed games aren’t for everyone. But fear not because I have something for those of you who enjoy more relaxed and calm games. You take on the role of a delightful little sushi making robot named “sushi bot” who has one purpose in life, to make sushi. Sushi bot is a new face in the sushi-starved town of Rolling Hills. The residents of Rolling Hills have been clamoring for a sushi-based rising star to assuage their culinary boredom. Alongside this journey through Japanese cuisine leads you to make new friends in your new home, whether that be helping someone complete their errands or just chatting with them over their morning coffee. All the while you’ll be managing your own sushi restaurant by deciding the menu and decorating it in whatever manner you please.

    4. Still Wakes the Deep

    Good horror usually includes one common aspect, isolation. People are social animals that look to each other for comfort and safety. It’s an evolutionary trait from our time as nomadic tribes. So, when something takes away your sense of community it can make any scary thing seem all that much more dangerous. The development team at The Chinese Room understands this well with their setup for the game Still Wakes the Deep. You are thrust on to an offshore oil rig in 1970 Scotland. With all communications cut off you are left alone to deal with whatever is on that oil rig with you. Explore one of humanities strongest structures as it gets torn apart as an unknowable terror tears it to shreds while looking for you over the six hours of blood chilling gameplay. You aren’t going to fight this threat off; all you can do is survive and escape. 

    These are some of the games we are looking forward to, but they don’t end there. The upcoming collection of games is going to be another step forward in the industry. The studios are keeping up the steady stream of fresh ideas and we at The Clarion are excited to get playing. Make sure you check out some of our other review articles online and in our printed magazine!

    (Featured Image from Canva)

    Written by Andrew Barnes, Reporter

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