If there are things that carry college students through their time in college, it has to be the programs that are put in place to help them along the way, something like Tartan Threads.
Felicia Wethington introduces Tartan Threads, a program that provides students with free dress clothes that are entirely free for students who need them. Their first major push will be at the career fair in April, where even their students are free to take whatever they may need for their interviews.
“Under my branch here for career development, we teach students how to dress for and ace interviews, as well as how to find jobs and write resumes and cover letters,” Wethington said.
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The career development branch provides all the resources students might need for an interview. They also provide mock interviews for students to learn what to expect when entering their careers. The branch will also help write cover letters and resumes, whether someone needs theirs updated or to create a new one.
“The intent is to open in the spring semester in hopes that students will use the closet for our career fair, but throughout the whole semester if they have any networking events or things like that,” Wethington said.
Tartan Threads will be teaming with photographers from the Clarion at the career fair to take professional pictures of students for their resumes.
Tartan Threads is open throughout the year and has networking events planned for the next few semesters. This is extremely helpful for students who graduate in any semester. With the career fair being in April, both Tartan Threads and photographers have the time to get all the supplies they may need for this event.
“We did our first push of donations, and we have a plethora of clothes right now… we intend during the spring semester to send out again that we are seeking donations,” Wethington said.
Tartan Threads will have a secluded closet with mirrors and a lockable door. They will also have many accessories, such as ties, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. As the seasons change, so will their stock. Things more suited for winter will be stored while spring and summer are here, and vice versa.

Tartan Threads is a great alternative for those with difficulty finding formal attire suitable for their interviews and conferences. It is free and located on the Dayton campus in building 8, room 025. One must be excited knowing this program starts just in time for the spring semester.
Nathan Dunn, former Executive Editor